Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Formulir permohonan beasiswa S3 dari Habibie Center

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The Architecture of Information Systems (AIS) of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) is looking for one PhD student working on Behavioral Service Substitution (BOSS).

The position is for 4 years and funded by NWO.

Service-orientation aims at composing complex systems from simpler systems, called services. One fundamental problem is to decide when a service can be substituted by another service. In this project, we approach this problem by combining theoretical research and applicability in industrial settings. To this end, we investigate a theoretical foundation of service substitution at the level of service models. Among others, we develop algorithms to decide service substitution and to construct substitutable services. We implement and integrate the theoretical results into service technology tools available at and embed it in other tools such as ProM and BPM/SOA platforms.

Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Environmental Microbial Systems at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

A Researcher position (at postdoctoral or post master level) is available in EnvironmentalMicrobial Systems Group, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. The research will focus on the development of an anaerobic bioprocess converting organic wastes / bioproducts to bioenergy and other valuable products. In parallel with designing and operating novel reactor systems, temporal dynamics of key microbial groups involved in the system will be studied. Efforts to describe correlations between microbial shifts, operating factors, and process performance, will be made employing a combination of molecular and statistical tools.

Pengasuh Blog

Novi Reandy Sasmita (Rian)
Kesibukannya saat ini dalam kuliah di Jurusan matematika Unsyiah, tidak menjadikannya hanya berprestasi dalam perkuliahan yang ditekuninya saat ini. Ini terbukti dengan beberapa kalinya ia mengikuti ajang bergengsi tingkat Nasional yang diadakan oleh Dikti, Diantaranya KPKM, KKTM-LH, PKM, dstnya. Semangat dan mimpi menuju kesuksesan selalu menjadi teman baiknya. Berkat pengalamannya inipun, blog ini hadir untuk memberikan yang terbaik kepada para pengujung untuk selalu berdiri di ujung kesuksesan.

Emai : sayang_mama123[at]
Blog  :

Moh. Zubir (Dek Gam)
Alumni Jurusan Matematika Unsyiah, mempunyai kesibukan yang sangat super, Mulai dari mengajar di beberapa Universitas swasta di Banda Aceh sampai aktif dalam beberapa organisasi kemasyarakatan.
Pengalaman prestasinya juga ia curahkan dalam blog ini, dengan harapan agar para pengunjung dalam merasakannya. Pesannya; "hidup untuk berprestasi, itu harga mati"
Emai : dek_bi3r[at]

Alumni Math Unsyiah Yang sedang Melanjutkan Pendidikan

Cut Famelia (kanan) saat di London

Pengalaman Beasiswa Dikti

Ini kisah seorang teman.. mengenai pengalamannya menjalani beasiswa. saat ini dia dan temannya sedang mengikuti pendidikan di salah satu uni di brisbane, australia. kami bertemu belum lama ini dan dia bercerita bagaimana “penantian” untuk mendapatkan dana beasiswa itu…

Dia bilang bahwa pencairan dana beasiswa itu, tergantung APBN. yang terjadi kemudian adalah keterlambatan penerimaan dana.. kalo hanya molor satu dua minggu, nggak masalah dong. tapi kalo sampe berbulan-bulan…walahhh…

Lowongan Kerja Grand Indonesia - Supervisor - Customer Service

Currently we are looking for talented person to join our team as Supervisor – Customer Service
  1. Associate degree ( D3) of any discipline,
  2. Minimum of two years experience in similar position in the hospitality industry
  3. Being service and people oriented
  4. Excellent in communication both Indonesian and English
  5. Having Knowledge in basic computer operation
  6. Pleasant personality, well-groomed and trustworthy
  7. Having good Leadership and interpersonal skills.
  8. Able to work on shift

The European Master`s Program in Computational Logic by Erasmus Mundus Programme

We are glad to offer you the possibility to join our European Master Program ofComputational Logic (EMCL). This program carries the Erasmus Mundus brand name and is offered jointly at the Free-University of Bozen-Bolzano (FUB) in Italy, the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) in Germany, the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL) in Portugal and the Technische Universität Wien (TUW) in Austria. Starting in the first semester at TUD, moving in the second semeser to FUB and choosing a partner university in the second year, you have the choice to study at up to three leading European universities.